If you are thinking that “Do you lose weight while traveling?”, then the answer to this is either yes or no. It can be directly estimated by looking at your lifestyle, eating habits and your activity level. whether you will lose weight while traveling or the opposite that is you will gain weight or it will remain maintained. It has been observed that while travelling, everyone walks a lot, physical activity increases a lot, especially if you go on an adventure trip, then due to this also your body can lose weight. When you travel from the airport or any other location to your hotel or go for sightseeing and then come back, your body burns a lot of calories in all this.

Why do i lose weight while traveling?

Weight loss while traveling is common, but it can also be temporary. You should always take care of your diet and health if you feel that you are losing weight while traveling.

There are some science-backed reasons that will help you understand why you may lose weight while traveling

1. There is more physical activity : It has been observed that while travelling, we do more physical activities than we do on a daily basis, such as hiking, walking for sightseeing, etc., all of these are absolutely natural and make you feel weight loss. Moving around all day burns a lot of calories.
2. Effect of different climate : Climate has a direct effect on our body weight. Whenever we travel in a cold region, our body produces heat to protect itself from the cold, for which a lot of calories are burnt, and if we travel in a hot region, our body sweats to keep itself cool, which also leads to water retention and thus becomes the reason for weight loss.
3. Eating habits change : Our eating routine gets disturbed while travelling, it is not the same as the diet we follow at home. Sometimes we skip meals for some reason and sometimes we manage by eating light snacks, this has a very bad effect on the calorie intake and weight starts decreasing. During travelling, the frequency of your meal time also does not remain the same and at that time your focus is more on roaming around and not on whether you are eating healthy food or un healthy.

weight loss during traveling when eating junk

How to lose weight on vacation

Along with enjoying the holidays, you can also lose weight well. There are some simple tips which if you follow, you will definitely be able to control your weight and will also help you stay fit during the vacations.

1. Make a healthy eating plan : Always include healthy food in your travel time, choose good food rather than fast food from local food market which does not let your weight increase much or keeps it under control. While traveling, you should eat your food by dividing it into small portions so that it can be digested well and your metabolism remains fast which will help you in weight loss. Sugar should be consumed very carefully because whenever we travel, we eat anything which has a high amount of sugar which can increase our body weight.

2. Adopt a method of staying Active : Instead of always traveling by taxi or motor vehicle, you should walk a little yourself and if you are at a beach destination, you should also do activities like volleyball or swimming on the beach so that you can lose weight in your vacation along with traveling. If gym is available in hotels, then you should also explore it so that you can overtake the extra calories intake.

3. Make time for workout : If you are serious about your fitness or weight loss, then you should take out some time for exercise during your vacation, in this you can workout in your hotel gym or do a quick full body workout of 15-30 minutes in your room itself. You should perform workouts like jumping, squats, burpee with high intensity and these will keep you fresh and active throughout the day.

How to stop losing weight while traveling

It has been observed that when we travel, it is normal for our routine to get disrupted.
Not getting proper meals, excessive physical activity, not getting good food due to which digestion also gets spoiled. Due to all this, weight loss is common and it is especially painful for those people who want to maintain their body.
By following these great tips you can prevent weight loss along with your travel routine.

1. Learn to maintain calories : Often during travel time people either eat too much or eat too little and it has also been seen that they start eating too much fast food which disturbs their body balance. You should follow a proper diet in which your daily calorie requirements are fulfilled.

2. Don’t forget to take a protein-rich diet : Protein is a must in a good diet or food, it also prevents muscle loss which directly affects weight loss. Always try to eat protein rich food while traveling whether it is breakfast, lunch or dinner time. If you are traveling the whole day then you must take protein in your diet so that you feel full the whole day.

These sources will be helpful for you while traveling:

Nuts and seeds (almonds, walnuts, flaxseeds)
Greek yogurt or dahi
Boiled eggs
Grilled chicken or paneer
Protein bars or shakes

3. Make a habit of taking frequent meals : During your travel routine, instead of taking 1-2 big meals, you should divide it into small 4-5 meals because it has been scientifically proven that if 4-5 small meals are consumed instead of 1-2 big meals throughout the day, then muscle mass is maintained because it also keeps the metabolism fast.

4. Don’t take hydration lightly : Our body is made up of 70% water, lack of water is a big reason for weight loss. Dehydration is a common problem while traveling which has a direct negative impact on your metabolism.

Make a routine of drinking water every 1-2 hours.
Drink coconut water or lemon water.
Reduce alcohol and sugary drinks.

our verdict

Making a healthy eating plan, staying active, and making time to workout while traveling can help you lose or maintain weight. Along with this, protein-rich diet, frequent small meals, and proper hydration are also necessary so that your weight remains in balance and you feel fit and fresh.
Remember, the purpose of traveling is to enjoy, but not at the cost of your health. With a little planning and conscious efforts, you can make your travel healthy and weight-friendly.

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